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Aroma Therapy and Alzheimer's disease (AD)

Writer's picture: Riley BocanRiley Bocan

While reading about the relationship between scents- the olfactory system, the amygdala, and memories I wondered, if certain scents can affect mood duc to memories can this help AD Patients? The purpose of this study was to show the importance of non-pharmacological therapies for dementia This study observed the curative effects on 28 elderly people, 17 of whom had Alzheimers Disease (AD). The study used rosemary and lemon oils in the morning and lavender and orange in the evening. Several tests were applied to each patient? S case in order to make the study more quantifiable.

Methods: Using the Japanese version of the Golfries, Brane, Steen scale (GBSS-J) Functional Assessment Staging of Alzheimer's disease (FAST), a revised version of Hasegawa's Dementia Scale (HDS-R), and the Touch Panel-type Dementia Assessment Scale (TDAS) four times: before the control period, after the control period, after aromatherpay, and afier the washout period.

Results showed substantial improvement in all patients in personal orientation related to cognitive function on both the GBSS-J and TDAS after therapy. Personal orientation is the evaluation of a person of his or her relationships with others or the assessment of those relationships by the person. Another Result of these routine laboratory tests showed no significant changes, suggesting there were no side effects. Zarit's score results showed no effect on patients from caregivers

The Conclusion of this study found that aroma therapy is an effective non- pharmacological therapy for dementia. Aroma therapy may also be beneficial for improving cognitive function, especially in relation to AD patients


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